Our Beliefs

  • The Nature of God

    We affirm the trinity of God. Three separate and distinct persons in the Godhead, perfectly united in substance, yet distinct in subsistence. God is perfectly holy, true, everlasting, omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient.

  • Revelation

    The revelation of God is the central theme in life. This is seen in creation, the written word, the word made flesh (Jesus), his Church, and concluding with his second advent.

  • Bible

    The Bible is the living, inspired, infallible, and inerrant Word of God. It is living and infallible in that it is active in achieving what God has designed it for. It is inspired verbally by God so that each word in the original manuscripts were exactly what God wanted. We affirm that the original manuscripts were absolutely free from error.

  • The Church

    The Church is the earthly portion of the Kingdom of God that is headed, ruled, and controlled by Jesus Christ. Admission to his Church is conveyed upon being born again by faith in the gracious work of Jesus Christ on the cross. In our current age, the Church is God’s means of accomplishing his plan for mankind.

  • Baptism

    Water baptism is the Christ directed ordinance to new believers that is an outward expression of : a. The repentance of sins; b. Identification with Christ’s experience; c. Joining into the Body of Christ (the Church).

  • Salvation

    There is only one way to have our sins forgiven and our fellowship restored with God. This is accomplished by faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and savior. Confession of his Lordship and belief that he died for our sins is needed to receive God’s grace through Jesus Christ. This grace is not related to any works that we can perform.

  • The Nature of Man

    Mankind was made in God’s image, both materially and immaterially. Through sin in the garden of Eden, mankind became sinful and Adam’s sin was placed on all mankind. The effect of sin was corruption of man and nature. Mankind’s fall was complete and total. There is no aspect of man that was not corrupted by sin (total depravity). Mankind’s only hope in restoration is through the saving grace of God through Jesus Christ.

  • The Lord's Supper

    Christ directed ordinance that commemorates the death of Christ and his sacrifice for us. It is a memorial and we do not take the communion elements as the literal flesh and blood of Christ.

  • End Times

    God has consistently revealed in his Word that Jesus Christ will return again at a time and date that only the Father knows. Prior to his return, there will be increasing apostasy and wickedness, culminating in the Glorious return of Christ for his Church and the judgment of wickedness. We understand that there is considerable disagreement among believers regarding the interpretation of the tribulation and millennium and we consider those discussions as “disputable matters”.

  • Christian Life

    We recognize that as believers, our standing before God is based on the finished work of Christ on the cross. Our own righteousness is not sufficient to gain access to God. Godly character, holiness, and love are products of our salvation, and not conditions of it. A lack of these virtues in our lives should cause a self-examination of our belief in Jesus Christ.