A community following Jesus Christ to bring life, hope and health to the city of Rochester and beyond.

Sundays 12pm-2pm

10 Straub Road, Rochester, NY 14624


Welcome to El Shaddai Free Methodist Church - we are glad that you could connect with us online! Whether you are a first-time church attendee or have been in the church your whole life, you are welcome to sit among us and see how we worship.

Come as you are and be a part of a community that supports and encourages each other where you are accepted as you are, and equipped to make an impact in your world. Come find out what El Shaddai Free Methodist Church is all about!

Our Story

El Shaddai Free Methodist Church is a multicultural community of believers in Jesus Christ, located in Rochester, NY. We opened our doors in 2017, serving a congregation of members from Africa’s Great Lakes region. Many of our members are first-generation immigrants, who largely came to America as refugees fleeing wars and conflicts in DR Congo, Rwanda and Burundi. We offer services in both English and Kinyarwanda as our ministry continues to grow and reach others in our Rochester community.


Get Involved

At El Shaddai Free Methodist Church, we welcome all people from all backgrounds. Our goal is to reach as many as possible to expand the kingdom of God through the ministry of Jesus Christ. Our ministry offers a variety of ways to become part of our growing family in Christ, including prayer meetings, bible study and worship service. Click the button below to learn more about how you can get involved.


Support our Mission

El Shaddai Free Methodist Church is supported largely by our partners in ministry, who generously give their time, donations, resources and prayers in order to help us continue working toward our mission of expanding God’s kingdom. Learn about the variety of ways that you can help support El Shaddai Free Methodist Church by clicking the link below.


“There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.”

— Romans 8:1



Feel free to contact us with any questions.


(585) 233-3464